banned yet again for 2 days cannot post flash reviews seems WHEN EVER I F&CKING Do rather or not the review is a normal decent f8cking review or not its gets deleted while others are left to live WHY F*CKING ME DAMNIT im fuckING<<<<<<< pissed.Only Bad reviews i tried to keep content is because of some spam FLASH that deserves to be BLAMED AT ALL COSTS and yet doesnt Same for audio portal spam and idiot authors replying with ABUUSIVE Comments back to what ever you say "Fuck you" was the spammers reply back which is abusive yet when i leave a decent normal review it stills get deleted Newgrounds is falling to shit has we speak to what i am angrerd at the fact to why i stick to the audio portal at least itsa decent place being EVERY flash review i try toleave gets deleted for no f87cking reason.-___-