To clear things up after i read about "midi RIps" in OCremix's Site i see why they wouldnt acccept my mixes i havent even tried to so it dont really matter i love ng :D
to clear bout How i really orchestrate them i do use midi yes but only the best i dont just use any.
Most midi rips are just small modifcations maybe instrument changes n stuff and is then "claimed" has an orignal work...Which Sense ive been doing this i have not Once Said any of these are orignal works At all. "thanks to 100 FAV ARTIST :D" Cause i just got 100 :D But back to the above.. my orchestrals whole point is to turn transform Classicalize Ethiniztize Industrialize VG Songs i love the most..I do this when orchestrating Modifcation wise
Edit Tempo
Edit Notes
Edit Well I replace the whole shabang n Master each individual instrument
Edit Note speed n legato
Embrace a bit ..
and overall enhance of course you all know that by now :) lol....
well no one really talks bout the above or to clear that up for anyone at all >_>
I just wanted to tell You all bout it..
Below contains my latest orchestrals in the works
1.Donkey Kong 64 Bosses ALL of them In TOTAL: -7%- Done. "check out my Armodillo Orchestral"
2.FFII A few i personally picked to do..0% Not started them yet.
3.Sonic The hedgehog 3.. 0%
4.Chrono Trigger 0%
5.FFV 0%
6.FF9 0%
Im not orchestrating all the songs from the game just the boss main theme maybe and a few good character themes :D
thanks to who ever faved me to make me have 100 who have has one of there fav artist :D