Very well done also if you want remember I have lots of mastering plugins if you send me the loss-less file in 24-bit 44.1 from Fl studio Ill master it for you cause I'm cool like that ;)!. Anyhow back to the song review!..and Ill take my time as long as you give me notes to as how you want the song to sound in the end and I am getting better and mastering my own songs so I wont slaughter the song lol.
I think this is the best thing you have come up with so far starting to get near how good I am ;) but your a bit further having more experience note wise but eh I am also improving thanks to you haha..
Anyhow back to actual review..
Bass could use a tiny bit of compression to tighten it up make it punchier.
Mid range is pretty well balanced possibly could use some more warmth though.
High frequencies could use a bit of sweetening (which I would of done in mastering)
Over all is well balanced though and sounds pretty awesome, very good pitch bending! (wishes to master it for you) ^./.\^