ANother VIDEO game REMIXER those 500 mixes ya said in the thing =
ive made nearly 200 of em :)
and lots of crappy all the way to the PRO-ish i am now :)
(MIDI ADDICT) myself..
ANother VIDEO game REMIXER those 500 mixes ya said in the thing =
ive made nearly 200 of em :)
and lots of crappy all the way to the PRO-ish i am now :)
(MIDI ADDICT) myself..
As long as you credit the guy that made the MIDI and try to edit the MIDI, I'm sure most artists would be very understanding (providing there not selling the MIDI and you've stolen it! lol)
Thanks for the review!
Keep it up!!
But if Ya cant upload a F*cking 6 hour song without a LOT I mean ALOT OF COMPRESSSING=impossible so if its done and if ya make the finale final soon of around 6 hours PLS GIVE A Download link to it :)!!!!like rapidshare or speedshare sites
and make sure to compress it to 48000Herts 64KBS bitrate to make its size at least Downloadedable (making a request slash PWNAGE) :)! very nice song im just Saying IF YA WANT TO :P or better YET PUT ..well crap do the orignal way i said ..Youtube wouldnt allow a 6 hour video(new limit) .o well :)
Well, I'm glad that you like it, and I will try to post up the final set...
Thou it will be uploaded on the Sinful White party website (it will be serbian site thou I will provide you the DL link if you want) so pple can get it. And from there you'll get 44k hz and 128-192 kbs stuff. So it will be way better to get it from there.
Also, if you like the music, let me know. I am hunting for some people who do, cuz I plan to start an Electro Minimal Radio :)
Very good :)!
hey anway i could have a copy of Your FLP file You did to make this i want to Remix it :)Xfire is omegano0b
windows live messenger is (!
sure, ill add u
LOL! maybe i should try a Verses of the remixes Tell me Next zelda Song Your Remaking So i can make my Own Version both using (FL) And lets see whos Wins? :O :) just for fun and any FL getting use too tips i can give ya?
Lol sounds good, right now I'm thinking...maybe song of healing or I might give windmill another shot XD, and thanks but I'm good on FL for now I'll PM you if I ever need help though ^^
FLIPPING awesome
PERFECT !better then i could do id say That..Nice REmixed Touch to it has well :)!
my mixes of all games i like are what You said Down here..
"Its the way of the artist" :O!
If you Use FL studio You can insert Rows You know But if this is with a (Reason) or
Albino, Also Logic ..which program You use?i might be able to help ya with Your Max staves Problem..Hopefuly. NICE symphony
I use finale songwriter and to make more staves, I have to buy an upgrade but thanks for helping. glad you liked it
You got a DEmozied Product being used meaning DEMOIzed Plugin Cause while listening to the song though its good it Needs EQ,Mulitband Compressed alittle.
Plus one of Your Instruments used its A DEMo..Cause while listening IF anyone hasnt noticed which they should have Youll Hear a Sample of WHITE NOISE pop up everyone once in awhile.around 29-33 seconds You hear it, other then that its Great You need some Dj Comet help with this ..
dude, i'm not the richest person on the world.
it'd cost me thousands to buy all of the plugins, so i use the demos, which arent bad whatsoever, they just make an annoying sound once every 2-3 mins or so
and of course others have heard the white noise lol, everyone uses demo products, even you should know that.
Freaking Loved it
U added ur own Flavor thats why it pwns Id say more unique then most remake/reemixes :)!
Thank you. ^_^
Perfectly LOVED :)!
4.57 / 5.00 (+ 0.028) uped it by 3 :)
Almost to 5.00 Ill keep voting with my 5.00 power slightly until its a perfect 5 :)
Exactly my style of music man :)!I use FL but If i i had a mac Id use garagband Seems Very SWEET it be Sweeter if FL fused with and made a multi PC Version for macs and PC=Fruity GarageLoop < LOL!
Thanks, I doubt it will get to a 5 lol, but you can sure keep on voting!! ^_^
Age 31, Male
Joined on 9/8/07